Monday, September 7, 2020

What Are You Really Passionate About

Developing the Next Generation of Rainmakers What are you REALLY passionate about? If you have a family, I know that you are passionate about your children and your husband or wife.  For our purpose here, my question is about what you are passionate about as a hobby or interest? I believe I have shared with you that Nancy tells me I have no hobbies or interests outside of work. Technically she is right and the funny thing is my father had more hobbies than you can imagine and he tried to get me involved in many of them. For example: I could go on, but you get the idea. My dad enjoyed a wide variety of hobbies. I lack his creativity, but I did get into woodworking after my dad gave me his old Shopsmith.I made tables and bookcases. Nancy and I even took woodworking classes together. I gave up woodworking after our daughter, Jill, was born. I took up golf in the mid-80s. So did Nancy. If you are a regular reader, you know that she has worked hard and has become a great golfer. On the other hand, I still have a 20 handicap. When Nancy and I play in couples events, every couple wants her on the team, then they realize they also get stuck with me. So, I technically have no hobbies, but I am REALLY passionate about my work with young lawyers. I loved practicing law and helping construction contractors. Even so, I gave it up to coach lawyers. I get totally energized when a lawyer I am coaching has an “aha” moment and seizes on an opportunity he or she had not seen before.  I enjoy helping lawyers figure out what will work for them and what they will enjoy doing. So, my hobby is teaching and coaching and I love doing it. Each of you have one or more things that you are REALLY passionate about. What are those things? Are you making time in your busy work and family life schedule to do them? I practiced law for 37 years developing a national construction law practice representing some of the top highway and transportation construction contractors in the US.

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